What Others Say...!

“I was advised by my GP to lose weight, reduce my blood pressure and lower my blood sugar levels. By following the adivse given by Edd and the selected exercises, i have lost 2 stone 5lb's in weight. It goes without saying that without the support and encouragement given, i could not have achieved this amount of weight loss."

T Childs

I have been Training with Edd for a year or so now, and having the goal of weight loss Edd has really hit the spot. I have always used exercise as my main focus to loose weight however, after starting with Edd he really looked into my eating habits, gave me advise, targets to aim for and structure with meal plan ideas and a program to suit. A year into training I have now lost 40lb, have a body weight of under 95kg for the first time in a long while, much more strength than I thought I could have, and a mind set to keep going. 

John H

“I have lost a total of 24lbs to date - much to my AMAZEMENT! Edd has encouraged me and kept me motivated. I feel great and look forward to seeing more progress over the coming months.“

S Hopkins

Edd has been my personal fitness trainer for 2 years. My expectations were low. I've never been 'sporty' and i warned him i would probably be difficult to motivate because i don't really like pushing myself physically, and can't stand getting sweaty. Nevertheless, we agreed to give it a try.

At the first session Edd asked me what my goals were and i said something along the lines "i'm 64 and i want to live until i'm 95 and be as healthy as possibe". I also mentioned i had a hairline fracture in my left knee and had lost most of the cartilage in my right one.

Yet despite these barriers Edd has managed to 'get along side me' encouraging and supporting at my pace, but always stretching me to work a little more and two years on, i'm fully committed to my weekly session.

Specifically: my overall strength has improved as we've worked on core muscles and my thigh muscles are stronger to support my knees. So, for the first time in five or six years i am able to walk up and down hill.


Mary Evans Young 

Writer - Ageing with Attitude

Life coach, Psychotherapist

I went to Edd because i had a shoulder injury (a torn muscle), which was still not better after 18 months and four sessions with an NHS physiotherapist. The real reason however was my wife's insistance that i was stuck in a rut with my gym work and sessions with Edd would give me more of a challenge. I resisted like mad thinking i had nothing to learn but relented using my shoulder injury as cover. How glad i am now after being a regular with Edd for the last 9 months. He fixed my shoulder in 6 weeks with a clear plan of remedial action: a specific range of exercises to strengthen my shoulder muscles and repair the damaged tissue.

I am 66 and no longer desire the body beautiful but even though i've been a regular gym member for 20 years, working with Edd has given me improved strength, stature and flexibility. I consider these sessions to be an integral part of my continued wellbeing through my 'third age'. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend Edd whatever your aspirations.


Derek Evans 

Edd Biles Personal Training 




E-mail eddbilespersonaltrainer@live.co.uk



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